Win a Range Rover V8 Fake Facebook Scam is back on Facebook for another round of fake giveaways.
Here we go again as Facebook is the platform used by scammers offering to give away a brand new Range Rover V8 just for sharing a post across the site.
The scam claims that users have a chance of winning a brand new Range Rover V8 if they share and like the post and also like the Page offering the car. Its one of the oldest tricks scammers use, most likely perpetrated by the same spammers who created a near identical brand new Range Rover V8 in December 2014.
The posts title is:
For the SECOND time in Facebook history we are giving away 2 Range Rover’s to two winners that we will select on July 21 2015 completely at random.
Would you like to join this amazing giveaway for a chance to own a brand new Range? Simply follow the steps below to enter the competition :
Step 1) Likes this Page…
Step 2) Like this Post
Step 3) Comment which color you want. (Black or Red)
Step 4) Share on your wall
The winners will be messaged via inbox message
Good Luck.

The Facebook page has accrued many thousands of Likes in only a matter of days, and if you go to the Page itself you will see that the post offering the Range Rover V8 is the only post made from the page, a sure fire indication of an obvious scam.
Many of the initial Facebook Likes these Pages receive are from Facebook spam accounts.
These scams are referred to as like-farming scams, meaning they are designed, at least in part, to help a Facebook Page gather many thousands of Likes.
The scammers end game is simple, these Facebook Pages once they accumulate enough followers are then sold off the the highest bidder on eBay and once the new owner changes the name of the page to whatever he/she wants they then own a page that has thousands and thousands of potential customers, the legal way of having this amount of potential client base would cost hundreds of £££££ in the way of advertising costs.